Fullscreen images of works in the exhibition Conatus
Corpo Fechado: The Devil’s Work, 2018
HD video, 16:9, color, sound
24:33 min
1 of 9 -
Corpo Fechado: The Devil’s Work, 2018
HD video, 16:9, color, sound
24:33 min2 of 9 -
Interview with Paulo Pascoal, 2019
HD video, 16:9, color, sound
3 of 9 -
SPIT!: Carlos Maria Romero, Carlos Motta, and John Arthur PeetzWe The Enemy, 2019HD video, 16:9, color, sound3:49 minPerformer: Despina Zacharopoulou4 of 9
Untitled from the series Midway upon the journey of our life/I found myself within a forest dark,/For the straightforward pathway had been lost, 2019
digital C-Prints
45 x 30 inches each
5 of 9 -
SPIT!: Carlos Maria Romero, Carlos Motta, and John Arthur PeetzWe The Enemy, 2019HD video, 16:9, color, sound3:49 minPerformer: Despina Zacharopoulou6 of 9
Untitled from the series Midway upon the journey of our life/I found myself within a forest dark,/For the straightforward pathway had been lost, 2019digital c-print45 x 30 inches7 of 9
Untitled from the series Midway upon the journey of our life/I found myself within a forest dark,/For the straightforward pathway had been lost, 2019digital c-print45 x 30 inches8 of 9
Untitled from the series Midway upon the journey of our life/I found myself within a forest dark,/For the straightforward pathway had been lost, 2019digital c-print45 x 30 inches9 of 9